Written By Kelechi Okorie | Biafra Reporter

September 09, 2021

Honestly it was saddened when Nigerian activist and former Presidential aspirant, Omoyele Sowere, reported on his social media wall that his younger brother Olajide Sowore, was shot dead by suspected Fulani herdsmen in Edo State. Daily killings of innocent masses in Nigeria, has become a routine activity, Nigeria has to be obliterated completely before she sinks every self acclaimed Nigerian. Omoyele Sowere’s younger brother wouldn’t have been dead if he is not a Nigerian nor resides in Nigeria. The contraption has unofficially becomes humans’ abattoir for Fulani marauders. Already Omoyele Sowere is a target, Fulani Presidency wants him dead by all means, they know the implication of killing the activist might trigger uprising in the polity. They went after his younger brother usually, Fulani always have the mindset that; if not you, let it be your brother, "if no be you, na your ". Once they miss their target the next person closer to you bears the consequences. 

Only those without brain can be deceived not intelligent Biafrans, already their strategy is always the same, Omoyele Sowere’s younger brother was murdered barely 24 hours the activist had an exclusive media interview with United States of America foremost constitutional lawyer, Bruce Fein and Indigenous People of Biafra lead counsel, Bar. Ifeanyi Ejiofor. On the interview, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s international lawyer, Bruce Fain, made it very cleared that Muhammadu Buhari’s led government must face trial at the International Criminal Court of Justice - ICC, for extraordinary rendition, arbitrary torture and illegal detention of IPOB leader against international law. 

Without any shred of doubt, Fulani Presidency might be astonished the rationale behind Omoyele Sowere’s connection with IPOB leader that made him always shows interest on his trial. When all media houses in Nigeria were deliberately silent, the activist through his social media handle and Sahara Reporters, he was the first person that publicized the IPOB’s leader orchestrated secret trial at the Binta Nyako’s Federal High Court after he was smuggled into Nigeria from Kenya.  Every activist in Nigeria in one way or the other has vehemently been victimized, subjected to all inhuman degradations by Muhammadu Buhari’s led rogue regime. Nigeria president wants all the activists’ dead, objective journalists are also targeted. He does neither wants critics against his brutal kleptomaniac regime nor activists fighting a separate independent nation of their own from the Fulani abattoir house called Nigeria to have a breath of air. Is either all the activists got killed or arbitrarily infringed their fundamental human rights. 

Omoyele Sowere has long been on the top list of Muhammadu Buhari’s extermination, anything beyond constitution recommendation to arbitrary, extrajudicial execution of the activist must be done with immediate effect. Just like Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Ibraheem Zakzaky and Sunday Igboho respectively are illegally detained, the revolutionist cum activist and his family is facing a tough time in the hands of Muhammadu Buhari’s led government. Muhammadu Buhari's led government actions and inactions displayed by this government indicts them as sole culprits on Omoyele Sowore’s younger brother's death. Fulani Presidency is using Nigeria Police Force to shake Sowore’s family down by charging them exorbitantly to discourage them from getting autopsy for their son murdered, -- Olajide Sowore. Shame on Nigeria!.

Killing of specified targeted certain set of people was the reason Fulani Presidency is grooming Fulani Islamic extremism and terrorist fundamentalism to do illegal dirty jobs for them both in the Armed Forces. Muhammadu Buhari is out to crush anybody he considers wanting in his bad record book, if it takes wiping out the entire family of targeted individuals he won’t mind dealing mercilessly with the individuals family. Once activists, critics are subjected to all manner of mental and physical torture contrary from laid down constitution rules he does not give a damn. Only those as heartless as Muhammadu  Buhari's kinsmen will not understand or feel the pain on what Omoyele Sowore meant by some daytimes darker than the day. He lost his precious younger brother, at the same time he was prevented not to attend to the burial of his slain brother by the killer Fulani Nigerian government. Fulani folks are always the people making daytimes darker than the day, they controls power, economy and security yet, they are not satisfied, only but to send every Nigerian to their early graves in order to forcefully grab indigenous people’s ancestral land, that is the only soothing effect that pleases them which can never materialize. 

Omoyele Sowore may has had a good thought for the betterment of all Nigerians on his #RevolutionNow propagation but Fulani oligarchy has different ideology and is not hidden, their mission is the total emasculation of none Fulani race, this is their prime objective, that must be accomplished irrespective of what it takes. The painful condition the activist is passing through now in the hands of Muhammadu Buhari’s killer regime is what Biafrans are seeing on daily basis and without the disintegration of Nigeria, killings will continue unabated. At least, by now Omoyele Sowore ought to have known by now that Nigeria did not mean well to him. Nigeria is a grave yard for innocent souls, without mincing words, nothing on will salvage or spare Omoyele Sowore because Fulani controlled federal government wants his life by all means. Unless Nigeria dismembered, the revolutionist cum activist may not make it alive once he remains in Nigeria. He might get killed as they did to his younger brother and blame it on suspected Fulani herdsmen without trace or findings.

Having ideal perception is good but not for Nigeria, because it will definitely ends in hallucination and unachievable. Nigeria is a Fulani estate, till date the orientation has not changed and not sure it will change in the future. IPOB saw Nigeria as an irredeemable expired product long before now and it is so. Having Fulani as a neighbor is the worst thing that can happen to any race, come to talk of living together with them. And the funniest thing that will happen after now is if Omoyele Sowere keeps championing for betterment of one Nigeria instead of total disintegration through revolution advocacy. That is when for sure he learnt nothing yet. Nigeria’s problem is complex, it has gone to the stage it cannot be manage anymore. Only those feeding fat from masses untimely death will keep canvassing for the one Nigeria of their dreams. Perhaps, death rate will keep rising hence Nigeria continues to remain as one. Who knows the next victims, because no one’s life is guaranteed anymore in this zoo contraption by the colonial arrangements.

Edited by Ndubuisi Eke

Twitter Handle: @NdubuisiEke07

Published by Anyi Kings 

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