Written By Esiaba Chibuihe, X - : @EChibuihe | The Biafra Post | October 16, 2023

The Nigeria/British government will attest to the fact that IPOB under the command and leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB DOS are not like any other group they have encountered. IPOB's foundation was laid on the rock that no mortal can be able to destroy her. The enemies has every right to try and, when they try and fail, it makes us more stronger, from their failures we acquire more tactics and strategy to keep on fighting and confronting them head-on. 

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is the greatest Prophet of our time who sees things before its manifestation. Days before Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was extraordinarily renditioned from Kenya to Nigeria in 2021, he made a broadcast on Radio Biafra where he said "That in the coming days and weeks, there will be a heavy wind-blow in IPOB, a wind that will separate wheat from the chaff, some of you who sing praises for IPOB today will be bought over by the Zoo Nigeria government, I am not saying this to sow fear in our minds, but to prepare our minds for the greater task ahead and to let the world know that even if they succeed in buying you, you can never stop what we are doing, you can't stop the restoration of Biafra". 

He charged IPOB family members world wide and lovers of freedom to read Psalm chapter 1-150 for 150 days as a spiritual exercise to invite the spirits that owns our land and the spirits of our ancestors to battle with us against every principalities and powers of our enemies as he Onyendu - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu declared. Before the middle of the 150 days prayers, the stormy wind had already started blowing tempestuouly.

Hence the British intelligence agencies and Nigeria's DSS knows very well that IPOB is mentally sophisticated and stubborn when it comes to Biafra restoration and external distraction. They criminally device the strategy of destroying IPOB from within. Even before Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was tortured and kidnapped in Kenya, they have bought over so many IPOB principal officers, mostly in the United States of America. They were all set and ready to strike. Their main target was the destabilization of IPOB's Directorate of States, Eastern Security Network and IPOB media department. They knows very well that these three are the pillars of IPOB as a movement. And they can't destroy these three without destroying the structure of 'Chain of Command'. 

Immediately Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped, they swinged into action, with no evidence they blackmailed and accused strong and top members of IPOB's Directorate of States (DOS), including Mazi Chika Edoziem - the Head of Directorate of States of selling Mazi Nnamdi Kanu out, just to place them in a bad light and set them against Biafrans. They used this propaganda, lies and blackmail as a campaign theme and jingles to buy over some members of Eastern Security Network operatives and some members of IPOB media warriors.

They tried to infiltrate and hijack every IPOB department including Radio Biafra. The Ekperima in Finland who deceitfully claimed to be Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's disciple was Alhaji Atiku Abubakar's and PDP campaigner in Finland in 2019 general election, and after they lost the election to Dictator Muhammadu Buhari, he suddenly became a Biafra agitator over night; a wolf in a sheep clothing, the Ekperima in Finland was recommended to Onyendu - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu by his fellow DSS sponsored agents in USA.

The Ekperima in Finland - Simon Ekpa, was a key player to see to the destruction of this great movement with his numerous fake broadcasts and expositions, he created countless criminal gangs in Biafra land. When Mazi Nnamdi Kanu made a short video clip in one of his court case appearances and said "I want Biafra land to be calm and very peaceful, we are fighting to defend our people, not to kill them", these agent provocateurs made it clear that they will never listen to anybody from DSS dungeon. Just to continue their reign of criminalities in Biafra land.

They infiltrated IPOB legal team through Barrister Aloy Ejimakor, they tried to hijack it but was given a bouncing wall by our erudite IPOB lead council, Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiorfor  and co. They feeds Onyendu - Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with lies on what is truly not happening on the ground. Barrister Aloy Ejimakor fed these criminals headed by the chief infiltrator in Finland by telling them that "Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was tactically in support of them" all and what they are doing of which we know that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on this earth will never support the destruction of the structure he built while he is still behind bars.

The chief infiltrator came up again with a gimmick of passing out a vote of no confidence on the members of the DOS he did not built of which we also know that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu did not support the idea of a vote of no confidence on the same members of the DOS leadership that is fighting for his release from the DSS gulag. The chief infiltrator - Simon Ekperima came up with another gimmick of forming Biafra Republic Government in Exile while he adorns himself as a Prime Minister from being a disciple to being a rebel leader. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will never and did not support the idea of forming a Biafra Republic Government in Exile when he is still in detention, infact in one of his numerous broadcasts condemned the idea of Biafra Government in Exile as we have the podcast in our possession.

Moreso, recall that when Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was a free man, he condemned and cursed the big for nothing toad-in-the-creek - Asari Dokubo and his criminal elements who played the part one script of the declaration of the nonsensical Biafra army that never existed. How come now as the criminal in Finland alleged that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu tactically supported a declaration of Biafra Liberation Army in his absence while in dungeon?. Which Mazi Nnamdi Kanu tactically supported the chief infiltrator and Kanunta Kanu group to open another Radio station called Biafra Radio instead of the hallowed Radio Biafra? 

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, as a master strategist, wrote a letter ordering the Finland based criminal - Simon Ekperima and his criminal gangs to stop using his name and the hallowed name of IPOB for any reason, and to end Sit-at-home order indefinitely in Biafra land. He gave that written letter to Aloy Ejimakor to deliver to his fellow in order to dislodge them permanently. They should know that IPOB is ordained to restore Biafra, and they can't stop us.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will be released on court merits come 15th December 2023, not on the basis of state sponsored insecurities in the South East. The fate of these fake disciples is in the weighing balance and it will be very disastrous when our leader comes out and, the history of Biafra restoration will never be kind to them anywhere their names are mentioned. And to you faithfuls, you have fought like heroes and heroines, keep on the good works. Very soon we will thank ourselves for not giving up as history will forever be kind to you all that never despair nor renege on the Biafra referendum mandate. Remain Blessed and focused, as we move on to a free Biafra nation.

Edited by Ndubuisi Eke
X Handle: @NdubuisiEke07


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