By Ifeanyi Chijioke - The Biafra Post
June 27, 2017
"I have not taken time to make this document available for the purpose of comfort or entertainment but to charge you to reflect, think and access what is presently happening in Nigeria and what Nnamdi Kanu is vigorously fighting. This Conference is declaration of Jihad and Jihad never stops until its objective is achieved. Everything written down here shall be achieved unless you wake up and stand behind Nnamdi Kanu for the sake of freedom; only your freedom can save you from this declaration" - Ifeanyi Chijioke
FURTHER DETERMINED to evolve a permanent Islamic body which has firm roots in, and is securely anchored to the long-standing ideals and values of Islam, designed to articulate the hopes and aspirations of Muslims in Africa, and coordinate Islamic work variously undertaken by Muslim communities, and organization and to initiate projects which would assist in improving the lives of Muslims on the continent and the Muslim world as a whole. We, the delegates assembled here at Abuja, this 1st day of Jumada al Amral. 1410 (28/11/89, DO HEREBY RESOLVE:
To call on Muslims throughout Africa to unite as an important part of the Ummah which is blessed with the guidance and mercy brought by the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PUUN).
To urge Muslims, who have been separated by imposed geo-political barriers of artificial boundaries drawn up by imperialists to serve colonial and non-Islamic interests, to cooperate with their brethren throughout the Muslim world with a view to reinstating a strong and united Ummah which is determined to fulfill the commands of Allah, the Almighty.
To call upon the Ulama to close their ranks and thereby facilitate unity among the Ummah and to urge them to unite and strive to remove all barriers between them and the general Muslim populace, especially the youth.
To call on Muslims to review the syllable in the various educational institutions with a view to bringing them into conformity with Islamic ideals, goals and principles and to serve the needs of their community.
To urge Muslims to pay special attention to the education of women at all levels.
To ensure the declaration of Nigeria (the 24th African and 16th World member of the OIC) a federal Islamic Sultanate at a convenient date and time from 28th March, 1990, with the Sultan of Sokoto enthroned the Sultan and Supreme Sovereign of Nigeria.
To ensure the ultimate replacement of all western forms of legal and judicial systems with the Sharia in all member nations before the next Islam in Africa Conference.
“To organize an Islamic African Conference regularly as well as seminars, symposia, conferences, workshops and colloquy.
Towards the attainment of these ends, therefore, a steering Committee, with membership drawn from the following countries as well as the Islamic Council, London and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, OIC, has been set up, viz:
1. Nigeria, 2. Niger, 3. The Gambia, 4. Mauritania, 5. Senegal, 6. Libya, 7. Tanzania, 8. Sudan, 9. Tunisia
The permanent Headquarters of the Islam in Africa Organization, IAO, shall be in Abuja, Nigeria. The steering Committee has been assigned the special task of the details establishing the IAO in Nigeria, including structures and constitution within six (6) months. The Conference decided that the Steering Committee should also work out detailed plans for transferring a national political party in each member nation into a National Islamic Party of Nigeria. These political parties so approved shall be the only ones to produce leading government (executive and legislative) functionaries.
The NRC of Nigeria and other parties shall have their names changed to reflect Islamic nature of their purpose.
The Conference further agreed and decided that the IAO should for the time being, operate from the facilities of the Islamic Council, London, and not from that of the OIC that has become too controversial in Nigeria.
“To establish Islamic Tertiary and Vocational Centres which are designed to train alwah workers who will be trained to acquire trades and skills which will equip them to be self-employed and productive.
“To ensure the continuity of the noble work initiated at the Conference.
“To cooperate with other national or international Islamic organizations for the attainment of its stated objectives.
To promote unity, spiritually and materially, among Muslims all over the world, particularly in Africa;
To promote peace, harmony and general human development, and strive to remove all forms of discrimination.
“To support, enhance and coordinate Dalwah work all over Africa and propagate the knowledge of Islam throughout the continent.
“To encourage research efforts on Islam matters and publicize the research findings.
“To undertake and encourage the translation into various African languages of Islamic works, their publication and distribution.
“To support the establishment and application of the Sharia to all Muslims.
“To encourage vigorous participation of Muslim Youths in all spheres of its activities and to ensure that women are accorded their due rights and role in society in accordance with the Sharia.
“To ensure the appointment of only the Muslims into strategic national and international posts of member nations.
“To eradicate in all its forms and ramification all non-Muslim religions in member nations (such religions shall include Christianity, Ahmadiyya and other tribal modes of worship unacceptable to Muslims)
“To ensure that only Muslims are elevated to all political posts of member nations.
“To encourage the teaching of Arabic Language which is the language of Quran as well as the lingua franca of the continent and strive for the restoration of the use of Arabic script in vernacular.
The Conference salutes and highly commends the efforts which the Muslim youths are making in the service of Islam and pledges its full support for them in this worthwhile endeavour.
“To urge Muslims to establish strong economic ties between African Islamic countries and other parts of the Muslim world in order to facilitate mutual assistance and cooperation, in commerce, industry and finance with a view to evolving a sound economic system based on Islamic principles.
The Conference notes the yearnings of Muslims everywhere on the continent who have been deprived-of their rights to be governed by the Sharia and urged them to intensify efforts in the struggle to re-instate the application of the Sharia.
The Conference notes that modalities for the establishment of the African Muslim Media Practitioners Association in Nigeria have been set in motion. It appreciates the noble move and urges Muslims in the media organization to offer it all their support it needs to succeed.
To form a permanent body to be known as Islam in Africa Organization, under the trusteeship of the representatives to be selected from among the participating countries to perform, among other functions the state activities and seek to attain the goals and objective as provided for in the annexure to this communiqué.
The Conference unanimously expresses its gratitude and appreciation:- to the government of the people of Nigeria for their interest shown in the Conference and in particular extends its thanks to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida for the stimulating inaugural address which he sent to the Conference and was read by General Sani Abacha, the Chief of Army Staff of Nigeria.
To the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, The Islamic Council, London and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) for sponsoring and organizing the Conference;
To the Planning Committee and other officers of the Conference for all efforts expended to ensure the success of the conference;
To scholars and other distinguished personalities who have presented papers and chaired sessions during the Conference and to all those who have erected stands at, or otherwise helped in making the exhibition a huge success.
INSPIRED by the Unity of Allah, the Creator and Lord of the Universe; MOTIVATED by the Quaranic declaration, yearly, this year, (Islamic) Ummah is one, and DETERMINED to comply with Allah’s directive contained in the Quaranic ayah, “And hold fast to the rope of Allah, and do not break up into factions”.
The PARTICIPANTS at the Islam in Africa Conference on the first day of Jumada at Awwal, 1420 A.M, (28/11/89) RESOLVE to found the Islam in Africa Organization (IOA) with the following as its objectives, viz:
“Undertake vigorous human resources development programmes.
“To serve as a mouthpiece for the articulation of issues of common concern to Muslims in Africa and the Muslim world generally.
“Commission experts to write the history of Islam in Africa and of Muslims and their institutions from authentic Islamic view-point and to retrieve literary works and artifacts pertaining to this”
The Joint Conference finally ratified the admission of Nigeria as a full member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and thanked the government and the people of Nigeria for having generously donated US$21 billion to the Islamic Development Fund of the OIC, and sincerely requested the Federal Government of Nigeria to implement all policies and programmes of the OIC to show the whole world that Nigeria is truly an Islamic nation.
Publisher: Chinwe Korie
By Ifeanyi Chijioke - The Biafra Post
June 27, 2017
"I have not taken time to make this document available for the purpose of comfort or entertainment but to charge you to reflect, think and access what is presently happening in Nigeria and what Nnamdi Kanu is vigorously fighting. This Conference is declaration of Jihad and Jihad never stops until its objective is achieved. Everything written down here shall be achieved unless you wake up and stand behind Nnamdi Kanu for the sake of freedom; only your freedom can save you from this declaration" - Ifeanyi Chijioke
FURTHER DETERMINED to evolve a permanent Islamic body which has firm roots in, and is securely anchored to the long-standing ideals and values of Islam, designed to articulate the hopes and aspirations of Muslims in Africa, and coordinate Islamic work variously undertaken by Muslim communities, and organization and to initiate projects which would assist in improving the lives of Muslims on the continent and the Muslim world as a whole. We, the delegates assembled here at Abuja, this 1st day of Jumada al Amral. 1410 (28/11/89, DO HEREBY RESOLVE:
To call on Muslims throughout Africa to unite as an important part of the Ummah which is blessed with the guidance and mercy brought by the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PUUN).
To urge Muslims, who have been separated by imposed geo-political barriers of artificial boundaries drawn up by imperialists to serve colonial and non-Islamic interests, to cooperate with their brethren throughout the Muslim world with a view to reinstating a strong and united Ummah which is determined to fulfill the commands of Allah, the Almighty.
To call upon the Ulama to close their ranks and thereby facilitate unity among the Ummah and to urge them to unite and strive to remove all barriers between them and the general Muslim populace, especially the youth.
To call on Muslims to review the syllable in the various educational institutions with a view to bringing them into conformity with Islamic ideals, goals and principles and to serve the needs of their community.
To urge Muslims to pay special attention to the education of women at all levels.
To ensure the declaration of Nigeria (the 24th African and 16th World member of the OIC) a federal Islamic Sultanate at a convenient date and time from 28th March, 1990, with the Sultan of Sokoto enthroned the Sultan and Supreme Sovereign of Nigeria.
To ensure the ultimate replacement of all western forms of legal and judicial systems with the Sharia in all member nations before the next Islam in Africa Conference.
“To organize an Islamic African Conference regularly as well as seminars, symposia, conferences, workshops and colloquy.
Towards the attainment of these ends, therefore, a steering Committee, with membership drawn from the following countries as well as the Islamic Council, London and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, OIC, has been set up, viz:
1. Nigeria, 2. Niger, 3. The Gambia, 4. Mauritania, 5. Senegal, 6. Libya, 7. Tanzania, 8. Sudan, 9. Tunisia
The permanent Headquarters of the Islam in Africa Organization, IAO, shall be in Abuja, Nigeria. The steering Committee has been assigned the special task of the details establishing the IAO in Nigeria, including structures and constitution within six (6) months. The Conference decided that the Steering Committee should also work out detailed plans for transferring a national political party in each member nation into a National Islamic Party of Nigeria. These political parties so approved shall be the only ones to produce leading government (executive and legislative) functionaries.
The NRC of Nigeria and other parties shall have their names changed to reflect Islamic nature of their purpose.
The Conference further agreed and decided that the IAO should for the time being, operate from the facilities of the Islamic Council, London, and not from that of the OIC that has become too controversial in Nigeria.
“To establish Islamic Tertiary and Vocational Centres which are designed to train alwah workers who will be trained to acquire trades and skills which will equip them to be self-employed and productive.
“To ensure the continuity of the noble work initiated at the Conference.
“To cooperate with other national or international Islamic organizations for the attainment of its stated objectives.
To promote unity, spiritually and materially, among Muslims all over the world, particularly in Africa;
To promote peace, harmony and general human development, and strive to remove all forms of discrimination.
“To support, enhance and coordinate Dalwah work all over Africa and propagate the knowledge of Islam throughout the continent.
“To encourage research efforts on Islam matters and publicize the research findings.
“To undertake and encourage the translation into various African languages of Islamic works, their publication and distribution.
“To support the establishment and application of the Sharia to all Muslims.
“To encourage vigorous participation of Muslim Youths in all spheres of its activities and to ensure that women are accorded their due rights and role in society in accordance with the Sharia.
“To ensure the appointment of only the Muslims into strategic national and international posts of member nations.
“To eradicate in all its forms and ramification all non-Muslim religions in member nations (such religions shall include Christianity, Ahmadiyya and other tribal modes of worship unacceptable to Muslims)
“To ensure that only Muslims are elevated to all political posts of member nations.
“To encourage the teaching of Arabic Language which is the language of Quran as well as the lingua franca of the continent and strive for the restoration of the use of Arabic script in vernacular.
The Conference salutes and highly commends the efforts which the Muslim youths are making in the service of Islam and pledges its full support for them in this worthwhile endeavour.
“To urge Muslims to establish strong economic ties between African Islamic countries and other parts of the Muslim world in order to facilitate mutual assistance and cooperation, in commerce, industry and finance with a view to evolving a sound economic system based on Islamic principles.
The Conference notes the yearnings of Muslims everywhere on the continent who have been deprived-of their rights to be governed by the Sharia and urged them to intensify efforts in the struggle to re-instate the application of the Sharia.
The Conference notes that modalities for the establishment of the African Muslim Media Practitioners Association in Nigeria have been set in motion. It appreciates the noble move and urges Muslims in the media organization to offer it all their support it needs to succeed.
To form a permanent body to be known as Islam in Africa Organization, under the trusteeship of the representatives to be selected from among the participating countries to perform, among other functions the state activities and seek to attain the goals and objective as provided for in the annexure to this communiqué.
The Conference unanimously expresses its gratitude and appreciation:- to the government of the people of Nigeria for their interest shown in the Conference and in particular extends its thanks to the President, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of Nigeria, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida for the stimulating inaugural address which he sent to the Conference and was read by General Sani Abacha, the Chief of Army Staff of Nigeria.
To the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, The Islamic Council, London and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) for sponsoring and organizing the Conference;
To the Planning Committee and other officers of the Conference for all efforts expended to ensure the success of the conference;
To scholars and other distinguished personalities who have presented papers and chaired sessions during the Conference and to all those who have erected stands at, or otherwise helped in making the exhibition a huge success.
INSPIRED by the Unity of Allah, the Creator and Lord of the Universe; MOTIVATED by the Quaranic declaration, yearly, this year, (Islamic) Ummah is one, and DETERMINED to comply with Allah’s directive contained in the Quaranic ayah, “And hold fast to the rope of Allah, and do not break up into factions”.
The PARTICIPANTS at the Islam in Africa Conference on the first day of Jumada at Awwal, 1420 A.M, (28/11/89) RESOLVE to found the Islam in Africa Organization (IOA) with the following as its objectives, viz:
“Undertake vigorous human resources development programmes.
“To serve as a mouthpiece for the articulation of issues of common concern to Muslims in Africa and the Muslim world generally.
“Commission experts to write the history of Islam in Africa and of Muslims and their institutions from authentic Islamic view-point and to retrieve literary works and artifacts pertaining to this”
The Joint Conference finally ratified the admission of Nigeria as a full member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and thanked the government and the people of Nigeria for having generously donated US$21 billion to the Islamic Development Fund of the OIC, and sincerely requested the Federal Government of Nigeria to implement all policies and programmes of the OIC to show the whole world that Nigeria is truly an Islamic nation.
Publisher: Chinwe Korie
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