Published on the Biafra Post
September 30,2023

The lead counsel of the detained Leader of the pro-Biafra group, Mike Ozekhome, confirmed the hearing date to SaharaReporters on Saturday.

The Supreme Court of Nigeria has fixed Thursday, October 5, 2023 for hearing on two separate appeals filed by the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu through his Counsels and against his continued detention.

The appeal to hear on Thursday are marked SC/CR/1394/2022, NNAMDI KANU V. FED. REP OF NIGERIA; and SC/CR/1391/2023, FED. REP OF NIG VS NNAMDI KANU, SaharaReporters learnt on Saturday.

The lead counsel of the detained Leader of the pro-Biafra group, Mike Ozekhome, confirmed the hearing date to SaharaReporters on Saturday.

Mike Ozekhome, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, leads Ifeanyi Ejiofor and others in the appeal which they had formerly won at the Federal High Court and at the Court of Appeal.

SaharaReporters had reported that the Court of Appeal had in October 2022 discharged Kanu of the 15 Counts charge against him. The appellate court subsequently, barred any further arrest, detention and trial of Kanu on the existing charge before his forceful extraordinary rendition from Kenya to Nigeria by the agents of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the 27th of June, 2021.

The Federal Government later appealed against the judgement at the Supreme Court and subsequently got another panel of the Court of Appeal to stay the judgement of the appellate court.

Despite the judgement, Kanu has remained in solitary confinement at the facility of the Department of State Services (DSS), nearly one year after the judgement discharging him.



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