Published on the Biafra Post 
September 30, 2023 

The movement and global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi KANU debunk the claims by the Nigerian Air Force of bombing IPOB's ESN camps at Osumohu and Nnewi South LGA of Anambra State and Osuihiteukwa in Osu LGA, Imo State. We are bold to say that ESN does not have camps in any of the bombed locations.

However, as much as we detest  the criminals impersonating IPOB and ESN in their violent activities in the name of Biafra struggle, we nevertheless supported  the bombing of any part of Biafra Land by the Nigeria Air Force. If the Nigeria Air Force has functioning fighter jets to bomb criminal hideouts in the rainforest of the Southeast, why then have they not bombed terrorists and bandits who are in the open in the desert lands of the North? Some communities in the Northern Region of Nigeria are under the control of Boko Haram, ISWAP terrorists, and Fulani bandits. They are moving freely, abducting school children and farmers, while their State Governors and the Federal Government of Nigeria are negotiating with them. 

The Nigeria security operatives should speak the truth for ones, they knew that the people are not IPOB or ESN members, it's unfortunate that Nigeria air force would follow other security agencies and lie to deceive the gullible minds in Nigeria, we don't know if they are taking drugs and kolos that made them to be liers, IPOB ESN doesn't engage with criminalities we are decent organisation the pictures of old women shows that they are under drugs, do they think that we are fools like them. 

But in the Southeast Region, because of ethnic bigotry and hatred of the Nigeria  government, the Nigeria Air Force will boast of bombing the  criminal hideouts. We totally condemn this bombing and destruction of our land. The government  negotiates and pays ransom to the terrorists  and bandits in the North, and the terrorists and bandits, in turn, use the money to acquire more assault rifles and other sophisticated weapons to continue their terror activities.

ESN operatives are intact and waiting for the last whistle for Biafra freedom.  We are focused on the restoration of Biafra and not on killing our people in Biafraland. Biafrans are fully aware that those kidnapping and snatching cars are neither IPOB members nor ESN Operatives. The confessions from the victims to these criminal gangs have proven time after time that they are *not* ESN Operatives but common criminals and kidnappers using sit-at-home, and the release of Mazi Nnamdi KANU as a cover. Their leader in Finland was recruited and funded by the Nigerian DSS to sabotage Mazi Nnamdi KANU and the Biafra restoration movement,  and that is why every of his action brings pain and suffering to our people.

We have written several press releases disassociating ourselves from the criminal gangs operating around Uli, Ihiala, Nnewi, Osuihiteukwa, Osumohu, and recently Okigwe axis, The public should go back to as far back of 30th of September 2022 on national dalies you would see where IPOB disassociated itself from the criminal activities of these people in Ihiala,  Uli, Lilu  Osumohu, Osuihiteukwa and Nnewi South LGA. The  remnants of these criminals have metamorphozed into what their leader Simon Ekpa called Biafra Liberation Army. 

For the avoidance of doubt, Biafra does not have an army, and there is nothing called Biafran Liberation Army in Biafra land or in diaspora.  What we have arr vigilante outfits and the Eastern Security Network (ESN), not a Biafran army. ESN has a mandate to go after the fulani terrorists masquerading as herdsmen in our bushes and forests raping our mothers, sisters, and wives and destroying our farmlands in the East. The criminals operating in military camouflage parading themselves as Biafra Liberation Army are sponsored agents of the Nigeria government, not ESN Operatives at all.

The Nigeria Air Force should stop lying and blackmailing this peaceful IPOB with the so-called bombing of IPOB's ESN camps. For public information, IPOB doesn't operate camps in those locations. IPOB has offices in Biafra Land and in diaspora. We are not criminals nor terrorist otherwise civilized countries would not give us the freedom to gather in their countries.

What IPOB has is the Eastern Security Network (ESN), whose primary duty is to secure our bushes and protect our people.  The general public should ignore and disregard the rants of the Nigeria DSS sponsored criminal and agent provocateur in Finland called Simon Ekpa and his gangsters who are always impersonating ESN to demonize IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi KANU.

The Nigeria Air Force must call those criminal camps they bombed by their names and not mention ESN or IPOB. Meanwhile, Air Force bombing of any criminal camp in Biafra Land while negotiating and funding terrorists in the North is the promotion of the same ethnic cleansing agenda against Biafrans and the Biafran nation.

Almighty God. Eze Chukwu Okike Abiama is behind the Biafra restoration project, and we are not going to retreat nor surrender until the Independent State of Biafra is restored. 



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