By Zephaniah Makuochukwu | Biafra Reporter
December 10, 2021
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” By: Martin Luther King
Today it has been clear to everyone that our destiny is in our own hands, if we keep a cool head then we remain subjugated to all inhuman treatments from these blood sucking Fulani jihadists ruling Nigeria with iron fist to subdue and conquer.
Many of our loved ones have been murdered in cold blood for the sake of this freedom we sell for, are we going to wave it off as if their lives don't matter anymore? I believe not.
It doesn't matter how hard they try to bring us down, how hard they try to pull us down, our minds are made up, it's either Biafra or no living thing will exist in the zoo.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu always reminds us that “they will kill us, we will kill them and in the end Biafra will come”. I strongly believe him on this postulation. Our love for freedom can never ever be quenched nor extinguished.
Many men have gone for this freedom, many are in DSS dungeon, many are in the bush protecting us, these and many more are the prices we pay and ready to pay more for the sake of our collective freedom. The earlier the zoo called Nigeria and our enemies understands this the better for them, because we will fight till the last man standing, we have a great leader sent by Elohim in the person of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with a massive structure put in place, a hallowed movement piloted by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Directorate of State, which is IPOB itself.
The zoo called Nigeria knows this and that is their fears, we will by all means protect this IPOB and the freedom movement she represent. I will like to keep you up for the work ahead with this quote
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so things can fall together.” By: Marilyn Monroe
This period is very sensitive to the Indigenous People of Biafra, and we must fight to finish, our leader's court case has been postponed because the zoo called Nigeria reason being that they lack what it takes to try him in their incompetent court room base on extraordinary rendition, we all have to be prayerful and also resolute. Be watchful of the antics of the Zoo called Nigeria and the household enemies within.
Freedom at last for all!
All hail Biafra!
Edited by Ndubuisi Eke
Twitter Handle: @NdubuisiEke07
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