Comr Onyegbula Solomon and Comr Nwawube Ezeobi | Biafra Post May 07, 2020 His Royal Highness Chief Frank Opigo Dawai III, Amananaowei of Angiama was a Biafran statesman politician, educationist and a philanthropist. He graduated in 1953 as the first graduate of central/western Ijaw land who later served as Assistant Registrar, Student Union. In 1967, Chief Frank Opigo became the Administrator head of Yenegoa Province of Biafra and the commissioner for rural development. "Biafra", a name familiar with the Old Eastern region of Nigeria was suggested by him to Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu and his Eastern Assembly during one of their numerous meetings over the plights of Easterners in Northern Nigeria during the pogrom. Chief Opigo gave the name Biafra to the Eastern General Assembly after the Bight of Biafra now Bonny, the name was adopted by the Eastern region Assembly. Biafra historical record would remain incomplete if this great Ijaw son is not mentioned and honored. For Ijaw man to suggest the name "Biafra" means that we have been one indivisible people from time immemorial jettisoning the lies that we are not one, or our riverine siblings are not in support of Biafra. Chief Frank Opigo was one of the finest intellectuals who knew, identifed and stood with his people during a period where most of his kinsmen were seeking for favour from the hands of the Federal suppressive regime of imposed Jack Yakubu Gowon as the head of the Nigerian state, is worth honouring as his acts were uncommon and brave. For his passion for Biafra and his selfless contribution towards the struggle for Biafra freedom, on the 30th of May 2020, we shall remember him and those who died that Biafra may be a sovereign Nation.

Published by Anyi Kings
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Edited by Ndubuisi Eke



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