February 20,2018 This is the best way to conclude what is going on in Ebonyi state; the governor is seriously conversing for land and settlement for Fulanis. What do we say of this if not that the governor is under spell or charmed by Fulanis. Are you surprised? You need not be amazed at what is going on there or what I just said; it can only take a charmed or spelt man to give Fulani herdsmen settlement despite what is going on in Benue, Kaduna, Zamfara and in all parts of Nigeria. There is the unconfirmed report that Boko Haram has metamorphosized into Fulani herdsmen to enable them to penetrate the nook and cranny of Nigeria. It was believed that bombing as done in the North will not be effective in other parts of Nigeria and hence cattle herding strategy will be the easiest way, they will penetrate with it, settle with us and explode at the appropriate time. By way of accepting cattle colony and settlement as being organized by David Umahi the governor of Ebonyi state, Boko Haram will be right there in our neighbourhood and bedroom.

Killing is happening in Southern Kaduna and nobody can talk or stop the Fulanis; Benue is under attack and nobody could do anything. Enugu is under threat and nobody could do anything, the governors only shedding tears. Delta state is under attack and even Nigerian security forces are helping the Fulanis kill the people. What do you say of this; that despite the governor of Ebonyi state is aware of the situation and he defiantly decided to give the same murderous Fulanis settlement in Ebonyi. There is no other thing but to conclude that the governor is under strong charm or spell. The governor made a step further to warn that nobody should criticize him or the person faces imprisonment; that is to show how potent the charm is. The governor doesn’t want any form of advice or help; the spell has corrupted his reasoning and ability to listen and get the view of his people before making such a disastrous decision. He has been blinded to the extent that he will arrest his own people who oppose move against Fulanis.

Therefore; it is imperative that the people of old Eastern Nigeria wake up now and start talking and criticizing the governor because he has lost his head. He is not ordering community meeting with Fulani herdsmen with his sane mind or head. He has been spelled and the spell is controlling our dear governor and the spell also made the governor view murderous Fulanis who were recently rated third most dangerous terrorist organization in the world worthy neighbors’. A man sees a lion and starts running to safety but the governor has seen a lion and lured it into his household and the governor needs nothing but help because he is not with his senses.

The ability to spell or charm a man has to do with his acceptance of the charmer or the charm; the governor in recent time has embraced Hausa/Fulani in a bit to get federal support for his political ambition. Recall that despite being a PDP governor; he openly declared his support for the Hausa/Fulani president to go for second tenure even as his unfinished tenure has brought death. He hosted the Hausa/Fulani president and the failed ousting of APGA’s Obiano was plotted in Ebonyi state. It has been established as well that Ebonyi state has more Mosques, Islamic converts and communities than any other state in old Eastern region and this brought about access and closeness. The governor has been accessed and now is the time to freely bring in the Trojan horse.

Traditionally; the only way to get rid of a spell is to cast out the spell but in this situation nobody knows where to start and how to go about the spell, the only alternative is to sideline the governor or neglect him and the voice of the people placed over his own voice. The people must stand and oppose any business with Hausa Fulanis; they must rise and protest against death because it might be sunny now but it will rain later. Ifeanyi Chijioke writes from Abuja

He is an author, Analyst, investigative journalist and TV anchor

Published/Edited by Anyi Kings
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