Biafra: [Hard Truth]: Missing The Ark Of Peace In A Turbulence Stricken Nigeria
Published on October 09, 2017
By The Biafra Post - TBP
This week on "Hard Truth" we welcome our numerous readers to this superlative and expository work as it concerns the Biafra struggle; the issues affecting Biafrans as a people. Biafra Reporters will be focusing on the missing ark of peace [Nnamdi Kanu], and what the Eastern Governors, Lt.Gen Tukur Yusuf Burutai and Mohammadu Buhari APC - led Federal Government risks that will pervade Nigeria if they fail to return Mazi Nnamdi Kanu back to his Biafran people alive.
Sincerely speaking, Mazi Nnamdi kanu has been a man of great psychological strength, his ability to remain calm and convince his millions of followers to do same in the face of unavoidable provocations from the Eastern region States Governors, the Nigerian Federal Government and her military apparatus requires commendation by all free people of the world.
Many Independent Nations of the world today once tried a peaceful and non-violent means of freedom and couldn't even sustain peace half way unlike what Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB have done; many resorted to arms struggle but look this young man have played a game of intellectual supremacy with the senses of Nigerian Government whom he sees respond to the only language "violent", even in his oratory prowess had maintained that Nigeria cannot force his Indigenous people of Biafra Nation into premature actions of taking up arms when they are not ready for it, that is to say "Nigeria cannot force Nnamdi Kanu's Indigenous People of Biafra into arms struggle unless the order rightly comes from their leader; Nigeria failed and acted woefully on the script Nnamdi Kanu scripted for them to act and respond to as a country that cherishes in killing his people of Biafra lumped in Nigeria.
Nnamdi Kanu undoubtedly had maintained a peaceful agitation even when his house was being invaded and many people slaughtered by the murderous Nigerian Military, he didn't give that single order that his followers were waiting for to the extent that some started murmuring that Nnamdi Kanu is weak only good at talking but then can we continue to say that at this present time that this very ark of peace is missing? Recall that since his family house was invaded and many people got killed; Biafra Reporters alleged that the murderous Nigerian Military that invaded his house got him kidnapped to an undisclosed location as even his lawyer attested to the fact that his client is missing and have not heard from him again since the very last day the Nigerian army invaded his home.
The question is, how safe would the existence of Nigeria be like where the ark of peace that have kept it together from flames of war is nowhere to be found ?
How certain are we that his already agitated-to-the-bone members of his Indigenous People of Biafra will be at peace again owing to the fact that Nigeria have not gone up into flames because of this noble Prince Nnamdi Kanu?.
To us at Biafra Post Reporters; Nigerian Government and her Military Headquarter should not make such a terrible mistake of not providing Mazi Nnamdi Kanu back to his people; if Nnamdi Kanu is not being provided by the Government that invaded him that means young Nnamdi Kanu had been correct all this while that Nigeria is officially an animal kingdom that have no value for her Judicial systems and every action his members [IPOB] to either revenge or find their leader will not only be justified but will be aided by International communities and observers.
On one hand South-East Governors should be informed properly that they will not be exonerated from what ever that is to befall Nigeria if eventually the Indigenous People of Biafra runs out of patience for their missing leader; what awaits them [The South-East Governors] in this turbulence time is their dooms day because they caused it all. They had a meeting with this same young man [Nnamdi Kanu] to which there was no agreement of any kind reached upon rather another meeting was fixed to help address the situation and these criminally minded Governors set him up to be assassinated; when their plans failed sent in the marauding Islamic Nigerian Military to do the hatchet job for them in a Gestapo style under the state of policing affairs.
To prove that it was a game of conspiracy between the Nigerian Federal Government; Nigerian Military and the five Eastern Governors, they didn't waste any minute to proscribe the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra in their various States which now gave the Nigerian Military the unmerited onus to usurped the powers vested in the Legislative and Judiciary organs of Government to declare an organization terrorist outfit or group, this singular act of Judas Iscariot betrayal exhibited by these Governors sold them out.
The Indigenous People of Biafra are more determined than ever to question the status quo leading to this unwarranted actions and inactions of the state actors involved in this sham of calling them terrorists in the face of uninvited Military confrontations; the people have vowed that this make believe terrorist syndrome cannot stop them, a people who are more determined for their freedom than any terrorist anywhere in the world.
What the Indigenous People of Biafra have done so far, has never been repeated anywhere in the world in recent time, if the Indigenous People of Biafra can be tagged a terrorist organization by the uneducated and half baked educated fellows in Nigeria then note that no terrorist would be as dangerous as the Indigenous People of Biafra can be. Imagine when you have intellectuals, technocrats, learned men and women, professionals, students, business men and women, prophets, imagine when you have all these calibres of people united for a cause, there is absolutely nothing they cannot do.
Biafra Reporters recommends self exile for all the South-East Governors; they should be made to know very well that the silent of the Indigenous People of Biafra on them so far was based solely on Nnamdi kanu's diplomatic approach towards Biafra self-determination. The South-East Governors should know that it is no longer a hidden news that they have joined hand in hand to kill, kidnap, torture, and humiliate members of the Indigenous People of Biafra in their various States and there has never been any form of reprisal attack to that move all was based on the tactics and peaceful demonstration enunciated, initiated by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu towards this Biafra restoration project.
The Nigerian Government and her cronies involved in this blackmail exercise tagging the Indigenous People of Biafra a terrorist organization thereby kidnapped their leader to be executed or already killed should think twice, in a scenario where it is viewed that there is no more Nnamdi Kanu to calm the nerves of his agitated people down; the Nigerian Government and cahoots should be rest assured that there will be no limit to the harm this young men and women can cause to individuals in the Government as a whole and units.
The Indigenous People of Biafra promise each an every one of them involved in this ugly trend that there will be no hiding place for them on this planet earth because Biafrans are salt of the universe and they are rightly everywhere in the world; their demand has been let the abductors of their leader release him back to them with immediate effect or rather face the wrath of Nnamdi Kanu's million followers.
If Nigerian Government are well educated enough; they should have understand that with guns and bullets you cannot keep the people to your side forever rather it is seen as an acts of subjugation and neo-slavery, the best approach to this turbulence stricken Nigeria is to seek the face of dialogue with the Indigenous People of Biafra and then come up with plans to resolving this conflicted issues; they never ask for war rather they asked for referendum which is their legitimate rights under any law known and unknown to man. Mohammadu Buhari should be properly guided not to hold strong unto what he cannot change as a man as some things are best remain inevitable to man and his course in life.
The truth is that the Indigenous People of Biafra remains peaceful and law abiding in her activities not only in this contraption called Nigeria also in the respective countries they found ourselves around the globe; this corroborated with findings made public by the UK government; USA government, European Union (EU) and many other International and local and bodies.
It is also on record that leader the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu stated earlier on that IPOB will never ever go into arms struggle, but the world also must be placed on notice that Biafran have the inalienable rights to defend themselves if that is the only option given to them by the Nigerian government; it is observed in the enemy's quarters that soon the Nigerian government will use this act of self defense by the Indigenous People of Biafra to justify they evil terrorist tag.
looking at the looming danger, Biafra Reporters can confirm to the general public that Biafrans are no longer happy, thousand of them here in Biafra land are already frustrated seeing their parents, children, young men and women been killed on daily basis by the murderous Nigerian armed forces yet Nnamdi Kanu picked the peace option and always maintain peaceful agitations, the big question is what will be the Biafrans faith now that the ark of peace is taken away from them by the Nigerian government? Biafrans are yet to know if the Nigerian government had already killed him or not, as tensions are rising. Who will speak for the Biafrans baptized with genocide?, who will guide and direct them to be peaceful when their ark of peace is no more? At this point Biafra Reporters only imagine the what would be the fate of the Israelites without the ark of God.
As the Director of Africa-focused risk management company, Ryan Cummings rightfully warned that further clamp down on the Indigenous People of Biafra may lead to self-defence and as we all know President Muhammadu Buhari has vowed not to allow Nigeria to break up under his leadership; by implication the Nigerian tyrant is evee ready to kill more Biafrans in other to keep the British creation known as Nigeria as one.
In as much as Biafrans remain peaceful they must as a matter of urgencies remind the International communities and the world at large that the Eastern Governors, Lt.Gen Tukur Yusuf Burutai and Mohammadu Buhari APC - led Federal Government should be hold responsible should Biafrans choose to defend themselves against any further clamp-down by tyrant Mohammadu Buhari's led armed forces.
Lastly it is also important that the International communities prevail on the Eastern governors, Chief of Nigerian Army Staff and the Federal government to provide Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to his people who they last had encounter with before his home was invaded, Biafrans silence concerning his whereabout is to once again prove to the world Biafrans resolve of being non-violent in their quest of self-determination.
Moreso since a lawsuit has being filed against the Federal government of Nigeria demanding that they provide Nnamdi Kanu to his Biafran people and also ahead of his upcoming court hearing; notwithstanding Biafrans will like to make it clear to the world that the Indigenous People of Biafra will not accept any form of dialogue with tyrant Mohammadu Buhari should he fail to provide their leader; at this juncture Biafrans can bear the unprovoked massacred of her people as a price being paid for freedom but cannot predict the hell that will befall Nigeria if her ark of peace is not seen in public lime within forthweek's time.
Authored by Mazi Odirachinma Ezeobi, Mazi Eke Macdonald Ndubuisi and Mazi Godwin Chinedu
Editor/Publisher: Chinwe Korie
Published on October 09, 2017
By The Biafra Post - TBP
This week on "Hard Truth" we welcome our numerous readers to this superlative and expository work as it concerns the Biafra struggle; the issues affecting Biafrans as a people. Biafra Reporters will be focusing on the missing ark of peace [Nnamdi Kanu], and what the Eastern Governors, Lt.Gen Tukur Yusuf Burutai and Mohammadu Buhari APC - led Federal Government risks that will pervade Nigeria if they fail to return Mazi Nnamdi Kanu back to his Biafran people alive.
Sincerely speaking, Mazi Nnamdi kanu has been a man of great psychological strength, his ability to remain calm and convince his millions of followers to do same in the face of unavoidable provocations from the Eastern region States Governors, the Nigerian Federal Government and her military apparatus requires commendation by all free people of the world.
Many Independent Nations of the world today once tried a peaceful and non-violent means of freedom and couldn't even sustain peace half way unlike what Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB have done; many resorted to arms struggle but look this young man have played a game of intellectual supremacy with the senses of Nigerian Government whom he sees respond to the only language "violent", even in his oratory prowess had maintained that Nigeria cannot force his Indigenous people of Biafra Nation into premature actions of taking up arms when they are not ready for it, that is to say "Nigeria cannot force Nnamdi Kanu's Indigenous People of Biafra into arms struggle unless the order rightly comes from their leader; Nigeria failed and acted woefully on the script Nnamdi Kanu scripted for them to act and respond to as a country that cherishes in killing his people of Biafra lumped in Nigeria.
Nnamdi Kanu undoubtedly had maintained a peaceful agitation even when his house was being invaded and many people slaughtered by the murderous Nigerian Military, he didn't give that single order that his followers were waiting for to the extent that some started murmuring that Nnamdi Kanu is weak only good at talking but then can we continue to say that at this present time that this very ark of peace is missing? Recall that since his family house was invaded and many people got killed; Biafra Reporters alleged that the murderous Nigerian Military that invaded his house got him kidnapped to an undisclosed location as even his lawyer attested to the fact that his client is missing and have not heard from him again since the very last day the Nigerian army invaded his home.
The question is, how safe would the existence of Nigeria be like where the ark of peace that have kept it together from flames of war is nowhere to be found ?
How certain are we that his already agitated-to-the-bone members of his Indigenous People of Biafra will be at peace again owing to the fact that Nigeria have not gone up into flames because of this noble Prince Nnamdi Kanu?.
To us at Biafra Post Reporters; Nigerian Government and her Military Headquarter should not make such a terrible mistake of not providing Mazi Nnamdi Kanu back to his people; if Nnamdi Kanu is not being provided by the Government that invaded him that means young Nnamdi Kanu had been correct all this while that Nigeria is officially an animal kingdom that have no value for her Judicial systems and every action his members [IPOB] to either revenge or find their leader will not only be justified but will be aided by International communities and observers.
On one hand South-East Governors should be informed properly that they will not be exonerated from what ever that is to befall Nigeria if eventually the Indigenous People of Biafra runs out of patience for their missing leader; what awaits them [The South-East Governors] in this turbulence time is their dooms day because they caused it all. They had a meeting with this same young man [Nnamdi Kanu] to which there was no agreement of any kind reached upon rather another meeting was fixed to help address the situation and these criminally minded Governors set him up to be assassinated; when their plans failed sent in the marauding Islamic Nigerian Military to do the hatchet job for them in a Gestapo style under the state of policing affairs.
To prove that it was a game of conspiracy between the Nigerian Federal Government; Nigerian Military and the five Eastern Governors, they didn't waste any minute to proscribe the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra in their various States which now gave the Nigerian Military the unmerited onus to usurped the powers vested in the Legislative and Judiciary organs of Government to declare an organization terrorist outfit or group, this singular act of Judas Iscariot betrayal exhibited by these Governors sold them out.
The Indigenous People of Biafra are more determined than ever to question the status quo leading to this unwarranted actions and inactions of the state actors involved in this sham of calling them terrorists in the face of uninvited Military confrontations; the people have vowed that this make believe terrorist syndrome cannot stop them, a people who are more determined for their freedom than any terrorist anywhere in the world.
What the Indigenous People of Biafra have done so far, has never been repeated anywhere in the world in recent time, if the Indigenous People of Biafra can be tagged a terrorist organization by the uneducated and half baked educated fellows in Nigeria then note that no terrorist would be as dangerous as the Indigenous People of Biafra can be. Imagine when you have intellectuals, technocrats, learned men and women, professionals, students, business men and women, prophets, imagine when you have all these calibres of people united for a cause, there is absolutely nothing they cannot do.
Biafra Reporters recommends self exile for all the South-East Governors; they should be made to know very well that the silent of the Indigenous People of Biafra on them so far was based solely on Nnamdi kanu's diplomatic approach towards Biafra self-determination. The South-East Governors should know that it is no longer a hidden news that they have joined hand in hand to kill, kidnap, torture, and humiliate members of the Indigenous People of Biafra in their various States and there has never been any form of reprisal attack to that move all was based on the tactics and peaceful demonstration enunciated, initiated by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu towards this Biafra restoration project.
The Nigerian Government and her cronies involved in this blackmail exercise tagging the Indigenous People of Biafra a terrorist organization thereby kidnapped their leader to be executed or already killed should think twice, in a scenario where it is viewed that there is no more Nnamdi Kanu to calm the nerves of his agitated people down; the Nigerian Government and cahoots should be rest assured that there will be no limit to the harm this young men and women can cause to individuals in the Government as a whole and units.
The Indigenous People of Biafra promise each an every one of them involved in this ugly trend that there will be no hiding place for them on this planet earth because Biafrans are salt of the universe and they are rightly everywhere in the world; their demand has been let the abductors of their leader release him back to them with immediate effect or rather face the wrath of Nnamdi Kanu's million followers.
If Nigerian Government are well educated enough; they should have understand that with guns and bullets you cannot keep the people to your side forever rather it is seen as an acts of subjugation and neo-slavery, the best approach to this turbulence stricken Nigeria is to seek the face of dialogue with the Indigenous People of Biafra and then come up with plans to resolving this conflicted issues; they never ask for war rather they asked for referendum which is their legitimate rights under any law known and unknown to man. Mohammadu Buhari should be properly guided not to hold strong unto what he cannot change as a man as some things are best remain inevitable to man and his course in life.
The truth is that the Indigenous People of Biafra remains peaceful and law abiding in her activities not only in this contraption called Nigeria also in the respective countries they found ourselves around the globe; this corroborated with findings made public by the UK government; USA government, European Union (EU) and many other International and local and bodies.
It is also on record that leader the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu stated earlier on that IPOB will never ever go into arms struggle, but the world also must be placed on notice that Biafran have the inalienable rights to defend themselves if that is the only option given to them by the Nigerian government; it is observed in the enemy's quarters that soon the Nigerian government will use this act of self defense by the Indigenous People of Biafra to justify they evil terrorist tag.
looking at the looming danger, Biafra Reporters can confirm to the general public that Biafrans are no longer happy, thousand of them here in Biafra land are already frustrated seeing their parents, children, young men and women been killed on daily basis by the murderous Nigerian armed forces yet Nnamdi Kanu picked the peace option and always maintain peaceful agitations, the big question is what will be the Biafrans faith now that the ark of peace is taken away from them by the Nigerian government? Biafrans are yet to know if the Nigerian government had already killed him or not, as tensions are rising. Who will speak for the Biafrans baptized with genocide?, who will guide and direct them to be peaceful when their ark of peace is no more? At this point Biafra Reporters only imagine the what would be the fate of the Israelites without the ark of God.
As the Director of Africa-focused risk management company, Ryan Cummings rightfully warned that further clamp down on the Indigenous People of Biafra may lead to self-defence and as we all know President Muhammadu Buhari has vowed not to allow Nigeria to break up under his leadership; by implication the Nigerian tyrant is evee ready to kill more Biafrans in other to keep the British creation known as Nigeria as one.
In as much as Biafrans remain peaceful they must as a matter of urgencies remind the International communities and the world at large that the Eastern Governors, Lt.Gen Tukur Yusuf Burutai and Mohammadu Buhari APC - led Federal Government should be hold responsible should Biafrans choose to defend themselves against any further clamp-down by tyrant Mohammadu Buhari's led armed forces.
Lastly it is also important that the International communities prevail on the Eastern governors, Chief of Nigerian Army Staff and the Federal government to provide Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to his people who they last had encounter with before his home was invaded, Biafrans silence concerning his whereabout is to once again prove to the world Biafrans resolve of being non-violent in their quest of self-determination.
Moreso since a lawsuit has being filed against the Federal government of Nigeria demanding that they provide Nnamdi Kanu to his Biafran people and also ahead of his upcoming court hearing; notwithstanding Biafrans will like to make it clear to the world that the Indigenous People of Biafra will not accept any form of dialogue with tyrant Mohammadu Buhari should he fail to provide their leader; at this juncture Biafrans can bear the unprovoked massacred of her people as a price being paid for freedom but cannot predict the hell that will befall Nigeria if her ark of peace is not seen in public lime within forthweek's time.
Authored by Mazi Odirachinma Ezeobi, Mazi Eke Macdonald Ndubuisi and Mazi Godwin Chinedu
Editor/Publisher: Chinwe Korie
Reach Chinwe for your articles via;
Twitter: @ckorie17
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