Statement By The Biafra Reporters September 17, 2017

been following events as it unfolds in every stage of life will urge one to
keep a good record of accounts taking shape and happening within their
surroundings; this have Biafra Reporters done since the word "sane,
modest" was kidnapped by those in the Nigerian seat of authorities. The
bestiality nature of the Nigerian ruling class to their constituents is
undeserved for, following the rate at which inequality has sky rocketed to the
brim of the Paris tower.
good standard of living and well being of the people are saddled into the hands
of the elected whose the people entrusted in them for the protection of their
lives and properties; but here in Biafra it is a miss-conceptualized
priorities. The poor masses makes one Kobo to the Naira out of total hard
labour with no joy and smile on their faces, the Government and her criminal
agents gets richer out of the blues and expect the overall poor masses to pat
their backs without revolution.
Reporters are now saddled with the responsibility of trashing the false
proclamations made by the five idiots in Biafra land as Governors who the
Biafra Reporters have seen are answerable to the stool of the Sokoto Caliphate
after their close door meeting in Enugu State where they so called brute
Governors ban the members of the Indigenous People of Biafra activities in
their various States and their Nigerian Government Military Department
proscription on the members of the Indigenous People of Biafra libelling the
Indigenous People as a terrorist outfit or body.
duo has failed woefully and outrightly in their desperation to quench and stop
the Indigenous People of Biafra from realizing their dreams and set of
objectives of a free Biafra Nation from the Lugardian empire of destruction of
lives and properties; this we sense made the Nigerian Military to came up
tagging Indigenous People of Biafra a terrorist organization without the
relevant law making bodies doing same while their counterpart the South-East
Governors were also quick to proscript the activities of the Indigenous People
of Biafra without any valid evidence to substantial their false claims
reporters wish to clarify some terms to this uneducated Governors and her
Nigerian Military wing that first they lack the statutorily cum constitutional
powers to either stop, libel nor proscript the activities of any organization
in Nigeria without the approval of the National Assembly on such subject
matter. So where did these unintelligent men drive the ideology and concept to
ban the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra if not to whitewash their
sins against humanity and now have a space to give a dog a bad name in other to
hang the innocent dog and then rejoices with the blood of the innocent dog in
their respective hands.
have observed with keen interest the various aspects of the Nigerian 1999
constitution to underline where it mandated the Governor's of a State to ban an
unarmed civilians from their fundamental human right of association and
assembly; and also to question the Nigerian Military where it drives the power
to exercise the powers vested in the Nigerian legislative arm to libel an
unarmed civilian populace a terrorist organization without citing the various
aspect of the constitution that support their bogus claims. The Nigerian
Military are guilty for yielding to the call by Arewa Consultative Youth Forum
to libel the Indigenous People of Biafra a terrorist organization following
their treasonable threat in the Kaduna ultimatum declaration.
area of interest to make out meaning with is the terrorism charge being
libelled against the Indigenous People of Biafra by the Nigerian Military
banning the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra when the Biafran
people have not cause any form of arm insurrection in Nigeria since inception
rather the Nigerian Military mowed them down and have them killed at various
degrees of torture, harassment and intimidation.
(PREVENTION) ACT, 2011 ACT No. 10 2. Proscribed Organisation. (1). Where two or
more persons associate for the purpose of or where an organization engages in—
(a) Participating or collaborating in an act of terrorism; (b) promoting,
encouraging or exhorting others to commit an act of terrorism; or (c) setting
up or pursuing acts of terrorism, the judge in Chambers may on an application
made by the Attorney General, National Security Adviser or Inspector General of
Police on the approval of the President; declare any entity be a proscribed
organization and the notice should be published in official gazette. (2) An
order made under sub-section (1) of this section shall be published in the
official gazette, in two National newspapers and at such other places as the
judge in Chambers may determine.
clarity sake, the powers to declare an entity a “proscribed organisation” under
the Terrorism Prevention Act belongs to National Security Adviser, Attorney
General of the Federation or the Inspector General of Police and not to the
Military Defence Head Quarters or the so-called State Governors. Nigeria currently
is not under Military rule that lives by the junta decree or policing state of
affairs as such the Nigerian Military proclamation cannot stand in every
meaningful democracy of the world. As such an action has to be gazetted with
the approval of the President; so far so good only two groups have been so
gazetted to be a terrorist organization known as Ansaru & Boko Haram. Until
the above law is strictly complied with, Indigenous People of Biafra will
continue to conduct themselves in non-violent manner they are well known for,
and never to indulge in any form of arm struggle or acts capable of endangering
the National security, or even confronting security agents, even on the face of
the ongoing unprovoked attack by the soldiers presently deployed to the South
East on operation "Egwu Eke II".
The five
idiots as Governors in the South-East wants to cover up for their inhumanity
involvement in the carnage presently on-going in the South-Eastern States; the
five idiots in Biafra land are quickly reminded that a Resolution contained in
a communique issued at the end of a political forum meeting such as theirs
can't transform to Executive order that need to be gazzeted, adhering strictly
to procedures laid down under our laws. Both pronouncements are patently
faulty, and in so far as they do not conform with the procedures laid down in
the Nigeria 1999 constitution as amended and that of terrorism act of 2011 as
amended in 2013 so therefore cannot stand. We advice the public to continue
with their daily business activities in Biafra land until a date for referendum
is given.
Signed: Management
Published /
by : Anyi Kings
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