By Ifeanyi Chijioke | Writes for TBP
March 31, 2017

Nigeria govt. trying to bribe Amnesty International; what a "fantastically corrupt country"
(We must not let Amnesty International down by allowing a lawless government to force it to close down or bend it to her wish; we must not fold our arms and watch our lives taken away from us. We must rise up to the challenge because the gods have made Nigeria mad. We must oppose total annihilation of our existence by ensuring safety of Amnesty International in Nigeria. If Amnesty International is forced to close their mouth or cowed into cowardice, then humanity is made a thing of mockery. What happens to humanity in Nigeria happens to humanity everywhere and this is why we all must pay attention and save the people of Biafra. Amnesty International irked Nigerian government by disclosing crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Indigenous People of Biafra and innocent citizens of Nigeria; for that reason, the blade of Nigeria’s sword is running on their flesh. We must not let this madness to go on as only the death of Nigeria will save humanity)

Last week in Nigeria; a report circulated online and on print media a protest by a group of unreal human rights. The protesters stormed Amnesty International’s office in Abuja and attacked it; risking the lives of the staff of the human rights group. The protesters according to reports circulated said they want Amnesty International to leave Nigeria. Printed on their protest attire is Enough is Enough; this implies they are tired or grossly affected by the humanitarian duty of Amnesty International.

The duty of Amnesty International is simply to guide human rights and ensure that humanity is not subjected to degrading treatments or torture anywhere in the world. Amnesty International is the world recognized or most credible human rights watch and by virtue of this; the world has no doubt when reports come from Amnesty International. There is a proof of investigation and on-ground report; on the side of Amnesty International, they have found it as a norm to always live up to standard. I am a witness of the grass root investigation of the human rights watch; where I saw a staff spent two weeks investigating crime against humanity.

Two days later after the protest demanding the exit of Amnesty International in Nigeria; a pictorial evidence of rented mobs surfaced. It appeared that the government of Nigeria rented her unemployed graduates and paid them to protest against Amnesty International. With pictures of where money is being shared to the protesters in their protest uniform; nobody could deny the act, not even the shadow human rights group name the government is using against Amnesty International. It is quite appalling that Buhari’s government could afford to bring out money they could have used to retrieve the sick economy and waste it on people to fight Amnesty International.

This quickly drew my attention to why the government enjoys the state of Nigeria; they have milked this business establishment called Nigeria dry at the detriment of Nigerians and whenever they bring out one Naira; Nigerians will quickly jump like monkeys in need of banana. They would forget the consequences of fighting a group that fights for their human rights to be upheld in everything and then protest because of a little money given to them. You will come to understand that politicians in Nigeria have narrowed Nigerians to nothing but thoughtless animals.

What is the issue between Nigerian government and Amnesty International? This is the first question that should come to the mind of my esteemed readers. This fight started just since Amnesty International came back to Nigeria but took a significant shape in 2015. The interest of Amnesty International in defending humanity by means of campaigning against trampling on their human rights is the bone of contention. While Amnesty International has been reporting the unprofessionalism of Nigerian security operatives who run away from battlefield with Boko Haram but only to arrest and kill innocent people; they never found it so much offensive until 2015 when the first peaceful procession by the Indigenous People of Biafra was held in Anambra State and they were gruesomely murdered and arrested, Amnesty International kicked against such barbarism and that began the issue.

While that was still raging, the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra was arrested and that prompted or colored Biafra agitation. There were protests across Eastern Nigeria for his release and this led to genocide as a result of unwarranted military action by the Nigerian government. This military action led to killing, arrest and forceful disappearance of the peaceful people of Biafra. In the course of this military action; there was digital and pictorial coverage of it which was big evidence against the Nigerian government and after the act; Amnesty International carried out forensic  investigation and came up with their report which Nigerian government found indicting and since then Amnesty International has been under the sword of the government.

Attack against Amnesty International is simply an attack against humanity and human rights; there is no gainsaying that Nigeria wants to hunt down humanity and trample upon human rights and destroying Amnesty International that serves as white blood cell- defender of humanity and human rights is the best way to go about that. Nigerian government is well checked and censored on human rights; this has deprived it the avenue to confidently and completely destroy humanity and trample on human rights. There is high rate of violation of human rights and which has been prevalent since the creation of Nigeria, the urge to continue on that path is the reason Amnesty International is being attacked.

The fate of humanity and human rights in Nigeria is at risk or rather dead should anything happen to Amnesty International. Nnamdi Kanu has shown what humanity and human rights pass through in Nigeria. Law or constitution is ineffective and this places a burden on human rights groups or defenders. Amnesty International has lived up to expectation; and fought assiduously to protect humanity in the lawless country called Nigeria but that has not been an easy war. Hence the constitution was set aside by the government; there is also a move to set aside human rights defenders which will bring comfort to their illegal world. If this is allowed to succeed; Amnesty will lose nothing as humanity in that part of the world will suffer immeasurably. The government has rented mobs to destroy the offices of Amnesty International and it is left for humanity to fight this attack.

We must not let Amnesty International down by allowing a lawless government to force it to close down or bend it to her wish; we must not fold our arms and watch our lives taken away from us. We must rise up to the challenge because the gods have made Nigeria mad. We must oppose total annihilation of our existence by ensuring safety of Amnesty International in Nigeria. If Amnesty International is forced to close their mouth or cowed into cowardice, then humanity is made a thing of mockery. What happens to humanity in Nigeria happens to humanity everywhere and this is why we all must pay attention and save the people of Biafra. Amnesty International irked Nigerian government by disclosing crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Indigenous People of Biafra and innocent citizens of Nigeria; for that reason, the blade of Nigeria’s sword is running on their flesh. We must not let this madness to go on as only the death of Nigeria will save humanity.

Editor/Publisher: Chinwe Korie
Chinwe could be reached via;
Twitter: @ckorie17


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