Written By Anyi Kings
Published On the Biafra Post
February 1, 2025
Recently Biafrans are amused to read the news making round in Nigeria's national dailies and News paper both online and print media, that suggest that a three men panel led by one justice Hamma Barka of Nigerian applete court sitting in Abuja has unanimously upheld the black market expert order of federal high that proscribe IPOB and declared IPOB as a terror org. in 2017 by one late justice Kafrati of federal high court in Abuja . Basing their arguement that IPOB's activities in the zoo called Nigeria threatens her existence and national security .
It is highly amusing that Nigeria state took eight whole year to select another compromised judges to affirm her black market expert order of proscription of IPOB since 2017 to 2025 after buying their way out to proscribe IPOB in the federal high court without due process in order to legalize her security agencies's terror against IPOB's peaceful agitation for freedom that started 2015.
Looking back on IPOB's activities perior to 2017 till date . IPOB remains peaceful in her conduct and pursuant for freedom and has always distanced self from any form of violence and terrorism against citizens, despite the movements being the highest victims of terror attack from both Nigeria security forces and its proxy terrorist agents such as Ebube Agu and Asari Dokubo's militias.
The reported cartalong of extra judicial execution of unarmed IPOB members , illegal incercarations and forceful disappearerance of her members by renowned Human rights organizations like Amnesty international, Intersociety, UNHRW, etc without any record of retialation by IPOB is all over the media and the world is taking note .
The question is if IPOB which is defined as Indigenous people Of Biafra as a freedom fighting movements do not pose any physical treat to any citizens except its strong argument that Nigeria as a British Creation is not viable for Biafrans continuous coexistence in the Nigeria British amagalmated union rather proposes a United Nations supervised referendum to decide her fate in the Nigeria union as her rightful exercise for self determination as enshrined in United Nations charter a law that has been enacted domestically in the Nigeria's 1999 constitution becomes a treat to Nigeria existence , how does it allign to view IPOB as a terror organization ? Is that not amusing ? And a mockery to an institution that called themselves a nation's judciary.
Indigenous people of Biafra under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is not surprised that a day like this shall come when the Nigeria state shall mess up all their institutions and agencies in their desperate quest to suppress Biafra agitation and legalize their clapdown on its members and in general to clapdown on the Igbo people as their sole aim to achieve and keep us perpetually as slaves in the so called one Nigeria. Nigeria state remains the Igbo haters and only Biafra freedom remain the hope and survival of Igbo man .
IPOB is never deterred how Nigeria and her judiciary view the Movements hence it continues to conduct herselves peacefully within the confined of international principle and standarded applying local and international diplomacy while remaining persistence in her pursuant for total freedom for Biafra with continuous call for a United Nations supervised Referendum as bet to resolve whatever conflict between Nigeria state and Biafra Nation .
Calling for referendum has no terrorism definition rather it is a democratic tool in settling conflict, and IPOB are careless unapologetic their quest despite Nigeria judicial blackmail against her inalienable right for a call for referendum and self determination. Though it is admitably that IPOB has a strong argument over Nigeria state, that threatens her existence but such agument must not be viewed as terrorism.
The more Nigeria state continues to view IPOB's argument to exit Nigeria union as terrorism the more Nigeria state shall continue to loose her respect from other Nation and the more IPOB's quest for total exit from Nigeria is being validated.
Anyi Kings February 1 2025
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