Published on the Biafra Post 
January 15, 2024

The Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB), movement through the Office of the Head of Directorate Of States has reacted to the misinformation being circulated in Nigerian social media space, that the Pro-Biafra Independence movement has finally resolved to form a "Government-In-Exile/Defacto Government" in the diaspora, as a last resort to achieve its objective of absolving the Biafran region, (Eastern Nigeria) from the Nigerian enclave.

Mazi Chika Edoziem, the IPOB Head of Directorate Of States in a press statement released to the media and obtained by Family Writers Press International stated unequivocally that the above purported news, is nothing but, a fallacy and misinformation being peddled by the Nigerian government through the Department Of State Services (DSS) as well as other pseudo proxies.

He asked, how those peddling these 'lies' thinks that a responsible freedom-fighting movement like IPOB, would resolve to employ a colonial/neocolonial method or system in her quest for emancipation and liberation?

He continued by accusing, the Nigerian government of trying to cynically suggest for the movement the best strategy to apply in its  struggle for Self-determination, after the same government failed in the attempts to destroy the IPOB movement and leadership through agent provocateurs and recruited proxies, since the kidnap and extraordinary rendition of the Movement's leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu for approximately three years. Thus, peddling these falsehood hoping to make certain impact with it. 

He then further stated, that any information and announcements about the IPOB-Biafra struggle that does not come from the Radio Biafra platform, and not from press statements accompanied by his official seal, or additionally press statements from the IPOB media and publicity secretary, such information should be disregarded by the general public and must not be taken to heart, as to be coming from the IPOB movement.

Lastly, he enjoined call upon all Biafra adherents and sympathizers, to remain steadfast, resolute and vigilant, as they "continue to match to freedom" and to continue to sustain their unwavering support for the IPOB leadership. While also, assuring that the IPOB movement will continue to update the general public when necessary on the things, they need to know, as they continue in their quest for Self-determination. 

Report By Family Writers Press International.




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