IPOB press release
Published on the Biafra Post
September 2, 2023
The global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by the great and indefatigable leader and liberator Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu Kanu wish to debunk and refute the fallacious and fabricated statement from the Nigeria Police of a fake arrest of 150 members of ESN who were fleeing out of South East Region. The public should ignore the Nigeria Police's cooked up lies and blackmail against IPOB and ESN as there were no ESN Operatives arrested.
IPOB-ESN has never engaged in any criminal activities besides their primary role of dislodging Fulani terrorists nicknamed herdsmen since its formation. Meanwhile, IPOB and ESN do not know who the unknown gunmen are, and we have several times disassociated ourselves from their activities. IPOB agitation has been peaceful for over 10 years with no trace of violence irrespective of Nigeria Securitys' brutality. But the activities of unknown gunmen in the East started about 3 years ago after DSS masterminded the Owerri prison break to recruit criminals used for distabelizing the South East in order to blackmail the IPOB struggle.
It's certain that the Nigeria government and it's Security Agencies with their intels knew those behind the unknown gunmen and other state and non-state actors responsible for the criminalities going on in Biafra territory. They have refused to name the criminals because they want to use their activities to demonize IPOB and ESN operatives. But by the grace of Elohim, Chukwu Okike Abiama, all their gimmicks and antics against IPOB and ESN have failed them.
All frivolous accusations by the Nigerian Police against the peaceful IPOB and the responsible ESN volunteers due to their hatred against Biafrans and IPOB members for wanting to exit the contraption called Nigeria. IPOB is resolute and focused, and the Nigeria Government and its Security Agencies, particularly their DSS and Police won't distract us. Our aim is to restore Biafra Nation, and nothing will deter our resolve in achieving total freedom and independence of Biafra Nation. Not when so many blood of Biafrans have been wasted by the Nigeria State.
The continuous linking of IPOB to unknown gunmen by the Nigeria government and her Security agencies for years without facts to subatantiate it is evidence that their cheap blackmail is ineffective. IPOB has remained peaceful, irrespective of all provocations from the Nigeria government. We are not criminals. We are an organized, peaceful, freedom fighting movement fighting to secure the freedom of the Biafran people. Any day we change from our peaceful approach, we shall make our new approach public.
Against the latest propaganda from the Nigeria Police, we state that all IPOB and ESN Operatives are intact. Non has moved away from their location. We are not and can not involve ourselves in any activity that will highten the insecurity situation in our region. IPOB and ESN have been at the forefront in maintaining peace and calmness in the region. Nigeria's government, with her security agencies and some sections of compromised media houses in the zoo, must leave IPOB and ESN alone. We are not after them. They should not be against us.
Nigeria's government and her security agencies are very aware of those behind the mask of the unknown gunmen. That is why you can only hear the arrest of unknown gunmen by the Police on media, but you can't see the so-called unknown gunmen arraigned in the law courts. Anytime Nigeria Police arrests criminals, they force them to confess being members of IPOB or ESN, and the same suspect will never be brought to court for legal interrogations. Such caricature arrest and cheap blackmail end up in the media because the Nigeria journalists don't ask questions.
The public should ignore Nigeria Police's cheap blackmail. There is nothing like 150 IPOB or ESN members chased away or arrested. IPOB and ESN formations are intact more than before. We have strategically organized ourselves to stop the insecurity ravaging our land. We can not allow both ordinary and sponsored criminals to make our territory unattractive for investment or retirement for indigenes.
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