Report By Biafra Reporters | The Biafra Post
September 19, 2023

Mr. Hope Uzodinma -  the Supreme Court of Nigeria imposed governor of Imo State and his newly inaugurated general hospital to be situated at Umuokanne Ohaji-Egbema local government area has been discovered to be an intended medic facility for state's center for organ harvesting under the guise of general hospital with his fraudster crony - Chief Charles Nworie to be in full control of the place and its illegal organ harvesting activities. The residents of Umuokanne in Ugwuta Community of Ohaji-Egbema local government area has been thrown into panic since the inauguration of the so called general hospital.

When Biafra Reporters approached the oil rich Community for their view on the proposed project by the government of Hope Uzodinma, 80% of the residents believes that the project is ill motivated judging from the characters of persons in the helm of the affairs of such  project. 

One self acclaimed chief in the person of Mr. Charles Nworie, who happened  to be the commissioner of Imo State Oil Producing Area Development Commission (ISOPADC), has always been known as a man of questionable character, a fraudster and one  with history of ill gotten wealth. Therefore it is believed that the so called general hospital is intended to create a smooth avenue for the harvesting of human organs of Igbo Youths and Imo residents that are extrajudicially being killed and buried in a shallow grave after harvesting their organ on daily basis at the order of Hope Uzodinma his paymaster.

The ISOPADC Boss Chief Charles Nworie is so desperate to legalize the state sponsored general hospital for the exportation of the booming business of organ harvest of Igbo Youths presently on-going in Imo State under the full watch and supervision of Hope Uzodinma's administration.  Not quite long a go a report of how a leading Nigerian human rights organization published a report with shocking statistics figures on summary executions, maiming, forced disappearances and illegal detention centers existing in Imo state of Southeast, Biafra land numbering over nine hundred (900) persons  as victims.

Presenting the report during a press conference in May 21 2023, Emeka Umeagbalasi, a Catholic human rights activist and chairman of the Intersociety organization, said that in just 29 months, from January 2021 to May 2023, security forces and allied militias killed 900 unarmed citizens, wounded 700, arrested 3,500, extorted 1,400, disappeared 300 persons. In addition, the report said 1,200 civilian houses were burned down, displacing 30,000 owners and their families and forcing 500,000 citizens to flee Imo.

The question that should come to mind before we celebrate this ill motivated project from Hope Uzodinma is where are the dead bodies of these over nine hundred (900) unarmed citizens, and over three hundred (300) disappeared persons by security forces working for Hope Uzodinma on a period of 29 months excluding.  The three thousand, five hundred (3,500) innocent citizens that were arrested and under incarceration in one secret cell or another in Imo State or elsewhere in the Nigeria secret cell on the order of Imo State  Supreme Court imposed governor Hope Uzodinma. 

Not to forget too soon is a news report by Punch Newspaper published on October 3rd 2021 captioned:

FMC Owerri to conduct mass burial for unclaimed corpses after PUNCH investigative report see link for details

This is after the earlier report by Punch newspaper in one of their undercover report in July 31, 2021 with captioned story  ‘Aftermath of Imo bloodbath: FMC Owerri Mortuary battles to contain excess corpses’.

Therefore this report is not intended to criticize any genuine infrastructural development, or basic health amenities from any private or government institution that are working towards in providing such for the good people of Imo citizens and residents but to unravel dangers in allowing people of questionable characters to continue to institutionalize organ harvesting company in Biafra land in the name of opening a general hospital.

This is  a wake up call for all the good people of Imo citizens and most especially the residents and community of Umuokanne in Ohaji-Egbema local government area to rise up to condemn and resist such evil plot by making sure that such project did not see the light of the day under the Hope Uzodinma's administration who has demonstrated in all manner of his governance that he has no value for human beings hence his interest and the interests of his cronies are involved.

Reported By Mazi Anyi Kings | September 18 2023.

Edited by Ndubuisi Eke
X Handle: @NdubuisiEke07


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