Published on the Biafra Post 
August 14,2023 

This is to inform Biafrans about the flyers and posters being distributed all over Biafraland conveying  our leader’s famous pronouncement canceling Monday sit-at-home, and to inform the good people of Biafrans that sit at home is not only dead but will never again be invoked or deployed as a tool of civil disobedience in our quest for self determination. Any person or persons talking about a non-existent sit-at-home in BiafraLand is an enemy of the people and shall be dealt with accordingly. 

The instructions to distribute these flyers by hand and paste  posters to this effect was authorized by our prophet and indefatigable liberator Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU.

It is to be stated for the umpteenth time, for those who may feign ignorance of the laws governing the conduct expected of IPOB family worldwide that Our supreme Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has ordered the permanent end to Monday sit-at-home in Biafraland and anybody seen enforcing this illegal and non-existent Monday sit-at-home will be apprehended and summarily dealt with on the spot. These criminal elements are not working for Biafra restoration nor the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who is unlawfully detained in the DSS solitary confinement in Abuja Nigeria. 

Those purpoting to be running a Biafra Government in Exile group from somewhere in Finland also known as Autopilot are not IPOB members and their activities does not represent the views of the Supreme Leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU, or the rank and file of  IPOB members  nor  ESN operatives. 

Moreso, it is a shame to the memory of our brave martyrs that gave their lives for the emancipation of Biafra that individuals that never led ordinary street protest in Biafraland or anywhere in the world in support of Biafra restoration can claim to lead our people. This is an absolute disgrace. 

These shameless parasites and their sponsors are hoping that mere attachment of the name of our Supreme Leader, IPOB and ESN to their criminal enterprise will cloak them in the requisite legitimacy to continue duping the gullible of their hard earned money. This social media Biafra Government in Exile (BGIE) has nothing to do with IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi KANU.  IPOB Supreme Leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU has nothing to do with them and will never have anything to do with them. 

Biafran struggle championed by IPOB do not have any Government in Exile and will never have any government in exile. People that never led a protest anywhere in the world, was never detained or held meetings with any international bodies can never claim to represent our people. Such a person is a charlatan, petty criminal and a monumental fraud. Whoever is foolish enough to associate with such fraudulent social media scam called Government in exile (Autopilot) is doing so at his or her own risk and must not link Mazi Nnamdi Kanu  and IPOB to it. 

Biafraland is owned by Biafrans and it's the responsibility of all Biafrans to protect the land from government sponsored agents and armed criminal gangs hiding under the revered name of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi KANU and Biafra. 

We encourage Biafrans to help in the distribution of the flyers, posters to communities, hinterlands  and cities in Biafraland signifying the requim mass for the senseless Monday sit-at-home.

Anybody apprehended enforcing any sit-at-home is a goner.  The Finland based criminal will not save you.



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