When You Renew, Get, Procure PVC's:
You did thus:
You renew your stupidity..
You renew your cowardice...
You renew your foolishness...
You renew your ineptitudeness...
You renew your ignorance.....
You renew your hopelessness....
You renew your servitude......
You renew your subjugation.....
You renew your oppression.....
You renew your slavery status.....
You renew your enslavement forever....
You renew the book the [1999 Constitution], used to cage you and your mentality to reality.
You renew your contract with the slave Masters to continue to handle you with disrespect...
You renew your no value to life.....
You renew your confinement in the colonial construct vestige......
Nigeria is a Name that reminds us daily on [y]our individual faces that you are a subject to black man inferiority complex.
Nigeria is an ensign that reminds us that we have no absolute minds of our own to make decisions on our own and what profits our continual existence as a tribe and race.
Think Home.....
Don't keep thinking of renewing your foolishness over time,,, we have the power to suspend the elections, to enact a people's oriented constitution, to give each region of Nigeria an Indigenous name within the Tri-blocs or Tripods that today make up Nigeria.
Let us first subject our varying degrees of ideologies to a Referendum,,, we can heal Nigeria through this possible means. Don't get your eyes fixated on the oil,,, we will discuss that, freedom is paramount first, we must first talk about our survival before we start discussing what nature gives to human kind,,, our request is simple not your elections.
Written By editor-in-Chief Note......
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