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@realDonaldTrump, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenThomTillis, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenSasse, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorRounds, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenDanSullivan, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@sendavidperdue, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenJoniErnst, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenBrianSchatz, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@MartinHeinrich, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorRisch, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorBaldwin, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenTedCruz, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorFischer, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenAngusKing, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorHeitkamp, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenWarren, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenTomCotton, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@MikeCrapo, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenThadCochran, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorTester, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenJackReed, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenFeinstein, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@LindseyGrahamSC, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenJohnHoeven, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@McConnellPress, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenJohnThune, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@PattyMurray, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorEnzi, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenBlumenthal, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenDeanHeller, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorWicker, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenOrrinHatch, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@RonWyden, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorCarper, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorDurbin, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorLeahy, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenWhitehouse, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenGaryPeters, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenCoryGardner, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@Sen_JoeManchin, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenRonJohnson, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@KellyAyotte, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorLankford, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenBennetCO, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenToomey, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorTimScott, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@RandPaul, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenDonnelly, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenDanCoats, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorKirk, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenJohnBarrasso, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenCapito, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@timkaine, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenFranken, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenBobCasey, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@ChrisMurphyCT, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorBarb, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenatorCantwell, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorShaheen, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorCardin, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@maziehirono, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenMikeLee, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorIsakson, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon. http://www.ipob.org/2017/04/ipob-we-demand-unconditional-release-of.html
@SenAlexander, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenStabenow, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenPatRoberts, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenBobCorker, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenGillibrand, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand the
Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
@SenatorTomUdall, Release our Africa Rep. Now! IPOB Demand
the Immediate Release of George Onyeibe from DSS Dungeon.
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