By Ifeanyi Chijioke
September 08 2016 

Mr. Nwachinemere Okafor, a business mogul based in Biafra land who spoke to Ifeanyi Chijioke and Chima Onyekachi during Biafra Television crew maiden meeting has made it clear that Biafra restoration is seconds away from restoration. He disclosed that the entire people of Biafra are behind Nnamdi Kanu and affirmed that is the reason Biafra must prevail. As determination tends to consume him and his spontaneous passion bubbling beyond the limit; he urged the people of Biafra to keep the fire burning in these last seconds “Let me tell you something, Biafra has been restored and there is nothing that can stop it because it is a prophecy long awaited to be fulfilled. We must push on because Biafra is seconds away and not hours from restoration”
Speaking on the continued incarceration of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra; he only expressed pity for Buhari and entire Nigerians who had in one way or another supported or contributed to the continued incarceration of an innocent man. He warned Buhari to steer clear Nnamdi Kanu because the people of Biafra are unanimously standing with him. “Nnamdi Kanu nwere mmadu” he said in Igbo language and continued “W e are behind him, he is not alone. We are with him in everything; the support of business men and civil servants; financially, spiritually, physically and otherwise; we are with him and Biafra shall come and we would honour him more than any man living or has lived”.
He however boasted that Biafrans are the strength of Nigeria and analyzed that as slaves that work hard and keep the contraption going, Biafrans are capable of shutting down Nigeria. “See we are the slaves they sustain with and look at the condition the country is in because he arrested our leader and we decided to stop making things work. They are very much aware that Nigeria is in mess because we are not happy with Kanu’s arrest. The worst is coming hence they continue to hold Nnamdi Kanu; everything Nigeria is doing is only aggravating things and very soon they will confess unless they release Nnamdi Kanu” he posited.
While noting the level of his commitment, he made it clear that he is a hardcore Biafra and has ordered all his children to join up and agitate; go out for protest, tweet and do everything possible to restore Biafra and get Nnamdi Kanu released. He further stated that nobody preached Biafra to him but was made a fanatic as a result of listening to radio Biafra. “I have two sons and I have explained to them the need to fight for their nation because that is the future they have. As for me; I have lived my life and reached my peak; succeeded in business but Biafra is everything. My family is Biafra and everything we dream about is Biafra. I was not told about Biafra by anyone; I listened to radio Biafra and the message was clear. Biafra has been restored already and everything Buhari and his government are doing is waste of time”
While praising Nnamdi Kanu for his sacrifice; he thanked him for opening the eyes of Biafrans and boasted that nobody can be like Nnamdi Kanu in generations to come. On the contrary, he lambasted Nigerian government for lack of reason and compared Nigeria to a Zoo. He faulted the character of Nigeria that is only concerned about sucking or exploiting the resources in Biafra without rehabilitation. “Nigeria sees Biafra as a wayward girl he sleeps with without taking care of her; it is too late because whether Nigeria likes it or not, Biafra is going and going for good. We are ready to put in everything we have to make sure Biafra is restored”

Mr.Ifeanyi Chijioke writes for BiafraPost
Editor/Publisher: Akachukwu Udo
For Biafra Reporters


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